‘Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’’
Isaiah 6:8-9 is just one example of God calling us through Scripture.
In the Gospel of Mark (4:18-20), Jesus calls Simon Peter and Andrew, two fishermen: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Mary receives an enormous call! ‘Do not be afraid’, the angel Gabriel said to her when he announced she would bear the Son of God (Luke 9:26-38).
Once we feel the presence of God, our Calling is how we respond.
Not everyone receives a visit from an angel or experiences God call us by name, but we all have a call.
We all have a way of feeling the pull of the holy in our lives - a way that we respond to the understanding that God loves us and saves us.
Calling is giving our lives back to God. It is answering the Presence of God in our lives. The gym analogy that I would use is what discipline are we part of?
I’m a runner (this is Cathie speaking). Some people are tennis players or ice skaters or on the basketball team. Some of us lift weights or use gym machines or walk our dogs.
If we’re going to think of Your Life with God as a spiritual exercise, then we need to know what our workouts are going to be. And to do that, we need to know what events we are appearing in.
Our Calling can be anything that our soul is answering back into the world - back to God‘s invitation.
It can be our vocation - a literal call to serve God’s church God’s people.
It could be the place where our work meets the needs of the world.
It can be an artistic endeavor.
It can be athletics.
It can be a particular role in ministry.
Calling is our ‘event’.
Every one of us is called in some way. We are all made in the image of God, and we are all born with certain gifts, and certain ways of responding to our own souls.
Discover and grow in your Calling through Your Life with God.