A rule of life is a pattern or set of practices to deepen Your Life with God. Famously, St. Benedict’s rule was ‘ora et labora’ - prayer and work.
Your Life with God is a ‘spiritual exercises’ - the Rule of Life is your workout!
At our monthly gatherings, we’ll work on a Rule of Life. You can create a Rule for a season, a time frame, or however long you want to practice it. You can adjust it as you go - to deepen your relationship with God and your engagement with the Christian faith.
You can create a Rule of Life as an individual, or as a community.
For congregations (or other groups) participating in Your Life with God as a ‘chapter’, you can think about re-imagining a ‘mission statement’ as a community ‘rule of life’.
What’s the difference?
A mission statement is typically descriptive - what we’re like as a community, what is our purpose and intention. A Rule of Life is a little more concrete - what each of us is committing to, on a regular basis.
We’ll use the framework of Presence, Calling, Ritual to craft our Rules:
Presence - I commit to being in God’s Presence in the following ways…
(for instance: reading the Bible, walking in nature, recording dreams)
Calling - I commit to engaging my calling in the following ways…
(for instance: serving others, creating art, working - as intentional acts of responding to God with my life)
Ritual - I commit to the following Practice(s)…
(for instance: prayer, worship, silence, sabbath, fasting - on a daily/weekly/hourly basis)
Our monthly gatherings will focus on our Rule of Life - encouragement, ideas, stories of how they’re going. They’ll take place on the ‘chat’ in Substack for Your Life with God. We encourage YLWG ‘chapters’ to gather in-person or on a video call.
Your Rule of Life is your commitment to a life joy, wonder, and love through following Jesus in daily thoughts and actions.