I’m really fascinated by what you’re proposing here. I’ve been working myself on a way to pair liturgical seasons with spiritual practices. I haven’t made enough progress yet but when I do I’d love to compare notes.
basically, they're the times that are not 'big' seasons in the church calendar. So quieter, regular. "ordinary time", as we sometimes call the season after Pentecost (though our reflective seasons will not line up with ordinary time precisely).
I’m really fascinated by what you’re proposing here. I’ve been working myself on a way to pair liturgical seasons with spiritual practices. I haven’t made enough progress yet but when I do I’d love to compare notes.
thank you! would love to know what you're thinking about/doing. You're welcome to join us here on our journey.
I’m curious about the 4 reflective seasons.
basically, they're the times that are not 'big' seasons in the church calendar. So quieter, regular. "ordinary time", as we sometimes call the season after Pentecost (though our reflective seasons will not line up with ordinary time precisely).